Life is all about change. When you trust an unchanging God - you have the ability to embrace change and trust Him in the midst of it. Join me as the Lord leads me through a new phase of my journey.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Musings - Restoration

In one of my recent quiet times, I was reading in Jeremiah 31 and 32.  Now, I have to be honest.  Jeremiah has some awesome passages - but it is a pretty tough book to get through also.  Jeremiah was a faithful prophet - but He went through a lot!  He was constantly bearing bad news to the most important people in the country.  And for this service, he was beaten, put in prison and even thrown down a well.  But - God was always faithful to him and he was very faithful to God.  So, as I was reading these chapters, I read some very encouraging verses that I hope will bless you as much as they blessed me.

31:2  The people who survived the sword found  
grace in the wilderness

Oh my, how I love that verse!  Now, I doubt that many of you have been stabbed with a sword - but haven't we all had an experience that felt like that?  Words that wound - feelings that get stomped on - a betrayal.  They feel like being stabbed in the heart.  We often find ourselves wandering the wilderness after such an experience.  So - here is the good news.  There is grace in the wilderness.  God knows - He sees - He cares - He will give you exactly what you need.  Lean into Him.

31:3 I have loved you with an everlasting love
therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness. 
Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt.

Now after a piercing hurt - you need assurance that you are loved and valued.  The Lord promises that He loves you with an everlasting love.  However torn down you feel - He is in the business of building back up on the sure foundation of Jesus Christ.

31:13 For I will turn their mourning into JOY and will 
comfort them and give them JOY for their sorrow.

What a trade!  The Lord will take your mourning and exchange it for JOY.  He will comfort you and exchange your sorrow for JOY.  

31:25 For I satisfy the weary ones and refresh 
everyone who languishes.

Do you feel weary?  
Are you languishing? What does that mean?!?! 
*lose or lack vitality; grow weak or feeble
*fail to make progress or be successful
*archaic pine with love or grief

*suffer from being forced to remain in an unpleasant place or situation
I think languish is a good word to describe a lot of what we are all feeling.  He will satisfy you.  Anything else you are chasing after will fall short.  Only God is Enough.

32:7  Ah Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm.  Nothing is too difficult for You!

What are you facing right now that seems impossible?  Is your hurt too deep - your betrayal to cutting - your weariness to extreme?  Not for the Lord.  NOTHING is impossible for Him!

Take God at His Word.  
He is in the business of Restoration.  
You can trust Him.

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