Life is all about change. When you trust an unchanging God - you have the ability to embrace change and trust Him in the midst of it. Join me as the Lord leads me through a new phase of my journey.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Musings - Kay

Fun day for me - my dear friend Kay Steiger came into town.  She got in this afternoon and I survived my trip out to O'Hare and back.  

Everyone needs a friend like Kay.  Why, do you say?
*She loves me - I mean really genuinely loves me.
*She asks me lots of pondering questions and we pretty much solve the problems of the world.
*She loves Jesus - and her love for Jesus energizes my love for Jesus.
*She loves my girls - she prays for my girls.  That is a priceless gift.
*She and I laugh a lot - I mean a lot!
*She and I have a lot of fun together - and we can have a lot of fun doing absolutely nothing.  Two very easily entertained people.
*She and I share a brain - well, not technically - but we complete each others thoughts and can take care of most things if both our brains are present.  Since I have moved away, we are both suffering from only having half a brain.
*She is a doer.  If you need it done - ask Kay.  She'll take care of it.
*She is an encourager.  She believes in me even when I'm quite unbelievable. :-)
*She and I have shared so many great experiences.  We have been in ministry together, gone on mission trips and hiked the trails of Colorado.  

Kay and I in Colorado - our home away from home.

We have been friends since we were in our early twenties.  We have both moved around and even ended up in the same city on one of our moves.  Sometimes we just didn't think that one city was big enough to hold us both - but we got to share the last 10 years together in Arlington and that was a very sweet time.  We both have places in Colorado and look forward to a lot of time together in the future.  I hope you have a good friend like Kay in your life.  Whoever your Kay is - give her a hug and thank God for His love, His nudge and His friendship expressed through one of His earthly children.

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