Life is all about change. When you trust an unchanging God - you have the ability to embrace change and trust Him in the midst of it. Join me as the Lord leads me through a new phase of my journey.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday's Thoughts ~ Test Yourself

Self assessment is an epidemic in our culture.  You can come across a test for just about anything you can imagine.  You can go to the gym for an assessment of your physical condition.  You can find tests to tell you what city or country you should live in, what career you should pursue and who you should date.  You can find out what actress or actor you most resemble and even what Disney tune is your lifesong.

But how often to we step back and assess our walk with Jesus?

"Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith.  Don't drift along taking everything for granted.  Give yourselves regular check ups.  You need first hand evidence, not hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you.  Test it out.  If you fail the test, do something about it."  2nd Corinthians 13:5-8 MSG

You could find yourself falling into legalism very easily . . . so don't go there!  Certainly looking at time spent with God, your prayer life, your giving and serving along with your obedience will be indicative of your relationship with Jesus, but as we know, those things can be present but perhaps not heartfelt. 

Have you ever been surprised when someone comes to you truly struggling and it seemed like all was well, even great?  I have!  I'm sure I have given the impression that I'm doing great also, even when I am not.

Paul exhorts us to test ourselves to make sure we are solid in the faith.  He warns us to not take this gift we have been given for granted (relationships need tending to!) and to not just drift along.

Drifting along is deceivingly dangerous.  It could look like (but not limited to!) just showing up at a church service or Bible study and listening to a message thinking, "that was nice," or getting through a  Bible reading just to check it off a list.  Perhaps you have missed a week or two or three of fellowship with other believers and the longer you stay out, the easier it is to drift away.

What if we ask ourselves  . . .

if Jesus is such a part of our lives that He is on our minds throughout the day?

if He is in on our decisions, conversations and Lord over our schedule?

if He frequently comes up in everyday conversations with others?

if we hunger and thirst for His Word?

if we love talking with Him about everything?

if we are looking to Him for direction continually?

if we are listening to His voice and obeying, even if it seems a bit crazy?

if we can't help but talk about Him because we love Him so?

It is a heart assessment as much as anything.  

Ask someone who lives every day life with you where they see Jesus in your life.

If you find that you are not where you desire to be, Paul tells us to do something about it.  Don't allow yourself to drift away ever so easily.

Take it before the Lord, first!  Confess that you have been drifting or taking His gift of salvation for granted.

Ask Him to draw you back to Himself.

Check on those spiritual disciplines and shake them up a bit.

Read scripture from a different version and/or read it out loud.  Write out your favorite passages and keep them with you.

Pray out loud and/or write your prayers down in a journal.

Serve!  Do something for somebody else.  Look for a neighbor that needs some help or encouragement.  Volunteer in your church.  Reinvent your every day tasks by remembering that everything you do can be done for Jesus' glory.

Give!  Stretch yourself.  Do the unexpected.  
Trust God with something scary.  Take a risk.

Tell someone else of your struggle and build in some accountability. 

Everyone struggles.

You are not going to freak someone out.

Step out in faith.

Dare to dream big dreams.

While we are assessing everything under the sun, 
let's not neglect the very thing that matters most!

Be encouraged.  God is for you.  He wants you to grow in your faith and in your love for Him and others.  You are not alone.  
He will honor the heart who seeks after Him.

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