Life is all about change. When you trust an unchanging God - you have the ability to embrace change and trust Him in the midst of it. Join me as the Lord leads me through a new phase of my journey.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday Musings from the Mountains

Alan and I are in Lake Tahoe, CA this week.  We flew into Reno NV on Saturday night and got up Sunday morning to meet our dear friend, Donald Zimmerman, and his family for church.  Donald is on the staff of Living Stones church in Reno.  It was so great to see their church, listen to a good Word, and have lunch with this great family.  We enjoyed every minute of it!

 Alan, Kelly, Harper, Oliver, Donald and myself
 Precious bundle of joy, Harper
Cutest boy ever, Oliver

After lunch, we drove up to Truckee, CA to goof around just a bit and buy some groceries.  We then headed to a place we rented right on Lake Tahoe.  This is the amazing view and surroundings that we get to enjoy this week.

Not only do we get to enjoy these big views, but we get to walk out on piers and climb on rocks.  

It is windy this morning, as it was late yesterday.  I'm sitting in the den, looking out at the water and listening to the wind.  It is blowing through the trees making that amazing rustling sound.  It is churning up the water so that I can hear waves hitting the shore.  As I step out onto the balcony, the wind brushes against my cheeks.

Did you see the photo bomb?

It's God.  He is all over every single picture on this post.  He is making Himself known and visible in every aspect of His creation.  Colossians 1:15-17 says this ~

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, 
and in Him all things hold together. 

God's fingerprints are all over everything I see, hear and feel this morning.  What a sweet gift.

Do you find yourself needing His touch this morning?

Are you short on resources such as patience, perspective, grace, time or energy?

He is waiting to photo bomb your day.  

Look closely.

He is there. 


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