*June began with a week long visit from Ashley. What got to spend some great time together and do some painting to bless another family.
*South Carolina Vacation. I already wrote about that - but it was a fantastic week of fun and family.
*Colorado - Take 1. We drove out and enjoyed several weeks together in the mountains. During that time we had two gatherings with your neighbors, a few days in Crested Butte with Alan's parents and a visit from my parents.
*Two weeks in Texas to go to a wedding, see dear friends, travel to see my aunts, uncle and grandmother, hang out with my parents and spend time with my kids.
*Colorado - Take 2. Visits from the Caubles, Cofields, Thornes, Peoples, Cunnighams and the Ramseyers. Some random meetings and new friendships. Lots of hiking my favorite trail and just gazing out at the mountains. I took hundreds of pictures of rocks, water, trees and sky.
*I got to spend time in Bible study and fellowship with the Lord. It was such a sweet summer of hearing from the Lord and just soaking up His Word. It is all about relationship and I loved every minute of it.
*We drove the long haul back to Chicago. Summer is wrapping up and bits of fall are already showing themselves. A new season is coming in the weather and in life.
I love these transitions.
I love knowing that the Lord is right in the middle of the unknown.
I love anticipating what He will do as new small groups come together.
I love that wherever I am - He is at work in my life and
in the lives of those around me.
I love that there are surprises awaiting me that I can not even anticipate!
What are you anticipating this fall?
Are you assured that the Lord
has good things in store?
If not, I want you to know that you can be. Even if your circumstances are difficult and your heart is aching - He is there and He is at work.
He will never abandon you.
Let's embrace these transitions in life and step ahead confidently with the Lord right by our side.
Full steam ahead . . .
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