Life is all about change. When you trust an unchanging God - you have the ability to embrace change and trust Him in the midst of it. Join me as the Lord leads me through a new phase of my journey.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thankful Thursday ~ Unexpected Friendships

I had a normal kind of busy day.  At the end of the day, I was scheduled to ride the train downtown and meet a couple who are in Chicago for a short stay and need some help.  Did I mention the windchill was somewhere in the teens?

I knew their names and a little bit of information about them.

I knew that the wife has MS and they were in Chicago for a trial treatment.  They had just traveled here and bless their hearts, arrived on the Sunday night after Thanksgiving (such horrible traffic to greet them!) 

I knew that they were Christians, but they were weary, lonely and in need.

What I didn't know was what a blessing it would be to meet them.  They are such a sweet couple who have been dealing with this devastating disease for the last 7 years.  They are diligent about being educated about the disease and about all the available treatments that are out there.  They are seeking to get the best care possible.

They are also trusting the Lord through it.  I appreciate the husband's honesty as he talks about what a struggle it has been. There have been a lot of ups and downs. He has experienced anger and resentment.  His faith is real and it is raw.  But - he continues to seek the Lord in the midst of the struggle and faithfully serves his wife. They continue to be hopeful while accepting whatever path the Lord takes them down.  They are living out their vows to love one another "in sickness and in health" to the fullest. 

Why did they reach out to my church out of all the churches here in Chicago?  How did we get connected?  I would have to say it is completely the Lord.  He led them to us and He brought us together. 

I am thankful for the bigger picture of God's plan and the faithfulness of His children.  There is just something so encouraging about seeing someone who is struggling and suffering choosing to trust the Lord and be His witnesses. 

I am thankful for unexpected friendships. 


  1. Amen Chrisann. And if I haven't thanked you enough already, let me thank you for being God's connecting conduit in my life too. I'll join you in thankful thursday, by saying thank you for allowing God to use you as he does so often, and for introducing me to friends unexpected that have become so dear to my heart. :)

    1. You are so dear to them, as well. I love how the Lord flies all over the country to bless others!!
